petek, 4. julij 2008

Slovenia at Imagine cup start

This is my first real blog post.

Let me explain what is going on. My team and I are at world finals Imagine Cup competition in France. We have just concluded the first part of the first phase of the competition. At first we were a little nervous but later the presentation went really well.

There were four judges controling our destiny. We got three pretty excited, but the forth one was holding back a bit. Jernej and Anže had this nice eding sketch which poured some humor into presentation and got eaven the fourth judge smileing. YouTube link.

Tommorow we have another presentation and after that we are going to find out wether we are in the semi finals. In semi finals 12 teams from the original 60 compeete.

So all of you in Slovenia wish us luck tommorow.
Zemanta Pixie

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