sobota, 5. julij 2008

Imagine cup ends

{{fr}} La tour Eiffel vue depuis le Champ-de-Mars.Image via WikipediaThe Imagine Cup is far behind us now. We got the point of this competition a little wrong. The whole idea is that you must develop a product that can be developed, packed and soled as quickly as possible.

So to my disappointment there were a lot of good teams left behind (besides ours of course:) ). If you had a product that needed a mass of people to become really useful for example a social network or kind of Wikipedia you would automatically get minus points. Also it was almost a must to have a business plan developed.

Later I got the feeling that some of the judges were a little old school and didn't have a good idea how internet business works today. If you would present ideas like Zemanta or Twitter they would probaby dislike it.

But in the end still we learned a lot. I have met some very interesting people. And the whole experience was great.
Zemanta Pixie

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